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Laurel Sims

You may have noticed that our company name has gone from REGALTAGS to REGALTAG. While this change might seem small, we want to take a moment to explain what it means—and why it doesn’t affect the experience you know and trust.

Why the Change?

This update is part of a subtle rebranding effort to simplify and modernize our identity. The move from REGALTAGS to REGALTAG reflects our focus on clarity, efficiency, and a cohesive brand image. While the change is minimal, it better aligns with how we see ourselves and how we want to be seen. 

What Does This Mean for You?

Absolutely nothing about the way we work with you will change. Our name may have shed a letter, but our dedication to quality, reliability, and innovation remains as strong as ever. Whether you're reaching out for support, placing orders, or exploring our offerings, you can expect the same great service and attention to detail.

What Else Has Changed?

Alongside the name change, we’ve refreshed our branding to ensure it better reflects who we are: a reliable and consistent solutions provider. From our logo and visual identity to how we communicate, the new look represents our dedication to dependability, professionalism, and simplicity.

This rebrand is not about changing who we are—it’s about showcasing the trusted company we’ve always been, in a way that’s consistent across all touchpoints. Our updated branding gives us a polished, unified appearance that matches the high standards of quality and service you’ve come to expect.

For Those Who Might Be Curious

We understand that someone might notice the change and wonder if anything else is different. This article is here to reassure you: we’re still the same company, with the same mission and values.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out – we always love to hear from you.

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